Statement on the 36th Senate District Special Election Results
August 18, 2021

“The next generation is standing up as Republicans, and as candidates, and they are not afraid to make their voices heard and advocate for change.”
HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to the special election results in the 36th state Senate district and the election of Ryan Fazio to serve as state Senator representing all of Greenwich and portions of Stamford and New Canaan:
“I am very excited to welcome Ryan Fazio as our newest state Senator. He will be a tireless and energetic advocate for his constituents and for making our state a place where all people can access good paying jobs, support their families, and build a brighter future for themselves and their loved ones. Ryan’s roots are in Connecticut. He understands the people he represents, and the burdens faced by families throughout our state. He ran in support of opportunity and affordability. He focused on local issues and kitchen table economics. His successful election shows that the Connecticut Republicans’ better way is resonating with young people who want to make our state a better place. The next generation is standing up as Republicans, and as candidates, and they are not afraid to make their voices heard and advocate for change.
“Ryan’s success reflects his incredible work ethic and commitment to serve the people in his district. His campaign attracted an overwhelming number of energetic volunteers who made a difference. This successful grassroots effort for change is a signal that the 2022 election will be positive for Connecticut’s working- and middle-class families. It shows that people are not happy with one-party Democratic rule in Hartford and Gov. Lamont is not as popular as everyone assumes, even in his own hometown of Greenwich.
“This election shows a stark difference between Republicans and Democrats in Connecticut. While Ryan focused on life here in Connecticut, Democrats took a page right out of the national political playbook, running a candidate out of touch with Connecticut who focused on a national partisan narrative that does not work for the people of Connecticut. Policies like a public option and Medicaid for all will destroy good paying Connecticut jobs without reducing health care costs. A new TCI gas tax will further burden residents who are already overtaxed and seeing inflation hurt their kitchen table budgets. Many of the policies Democrats are trying to sell on a national level will cause real damage to Connecticut families, especially those already struggling. Republicans understand that and are working hard to protect working- and middle-class families.
“Congratulations to Ryan and to the constituents of the 36th Senate District who will have a tireless advocate representing their voices at the state Capitol.”