I will personally deliver your testimony to the public hearing and make sure your voice is heard loud and clear!In person, for those attending the public hearing, people will be able to present their testimony. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes per person and unfortunately the department is already notifying people that not everyone will be able to speak.
This same process (proposal, public hearing, decision) went on in Summer 2019 and the Department ultimately approved rate increases at much lower rates than those originally requested, because people like you spoke out!
I am opposed to these cumulative costly insurance hikes affecting individuals and small groups. Health insurance in CT is ALREADY unaffordable. The cost growth is out of control and insurance premiums are often the size of a monthly mortgage payment.
Legislative Democrats have an on-again, off-again emergency attitude toward making changes to finally rein in runaway healthcare costs, Democrats are favoring reforms that would lead to a state run public option program. We need real solutions and financial relief not political rhetoric and posturing.
This past session, Democrat legislative leaders would not even consider for a floor vote Senate Republicans and Governor Lamont’s proposals & solutions to rein in growing health care costs, make prescription drugs more affordable, and reduce health insurance premiums by $500 per month for the average family.
I led the effort in the 2021 session to present a viable, tested, multi pronged approach to gaining control over health insurance and healthcare costs in CT. The plan includes proven solutions like:
I will continue to fight for policies that address cost drivers, reduce premiums by an average of 25% – 30%, and improve quality care.
I urge you to help keep the pressure on state officials to stop increasing costs and start implementing solutions.
Be well,