Gas Tax Alert! Stop the New Tax

August 5, 2021

Gas Tax Alert! Stop the New Tax - CT Senate Republic

Supporters of the TCI gas tax are pushing for a vote on the new tax during a special legislative session in September.

This is a $100 million new tax on working and middle class families.

YOUR VOICES stopped the tax earlier this year. We must keep speaking out!

Fighting against the Democrat appetite to tax you is a never ending battle.

Visit to learn more and to sign the petition to STOP the gas tax.

Tell state lawmakers you are already taxed ENOUGH
Call Senate Democrats TODAY at 860-240-8600
Call House Democrats TODAY at 860-240-8500


SIGN THE PETITION: Help STOP the New Tax on Gas & Food



IN THE NEWS: Yankee Institute Reports “TCI proponents plan September push”

Proponents for the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) plan to use a special legislative session in September to implement the program in Connecticut, according to a key supporter.

Legislative leaders haven’t yet announced formal plans for a special session. But speaking at a July 16 meeting on waste management, Representative Joseph Gresko, D-Stratford, co-chair of the legislature’s Environment Committee, remarked:

“We are rallying as a group to try to get TCI called back in September special session. We are actively vote counting.”

…Gresko’s remarks line up with similar comments by TCI advocates, such as the Maine-based Acadia Center, which said in a blog post earlier this month:

“The current strategy is to lobby the decision makers in July in person (now that pandemic restrictions are being lifted) to ramp up their understanding of TCI for the September session. All eyes are now on Connecticut!”


IN THE NEWS: CTNewsJunkie ReportsCap and Invest Program Still Faces Uphill Battle”

A proponent of the Transportation and Climate Initiative said he expected sufficient support to approve the agreement if it were raised in the House next month, but as of Wednesday the program still faced skepticism in the Senate…

During a Wednesday phone interview, Rep. Joe Gresko, a Stratford Democrat who co-chairs the Environment Committee, said he anticipated enough support among House Democrats to approve the legislation and believed it had a shot at seeing a vote in a special session next month when lawmakers may gather to decide how to spend remaining federal stimulus funds.

“When last I checked, gauging the field of my colleagues, we had the votes to pass it,” Gresko said. “I’m not saying every Democrat would have voted ‘Yes’ but I think another vote count would be positive as far as the number of votes necessary in the House.”

Gresko said he expected no opposition from House leaders and was prepared to begin collecting an updated vote count.

Asked about renewed efforts to approve the initiative, the governor said Wednesday he hopes lawmakers will make it happen.