Calling for CT Volunteers…
August 25, 2021
The Office of Health Strategy (OHS) is seeking consumer advocates, independent providers, hospital providers, insurance representatives, and other interested parties to be a part of a work group to study physician practices in Connecticut (CT), pursuant to Public Act 21-129.
The Act requires OHS to study methods to improve oversight and regulation of mergers and acquisitions of physician practices to improve health care quality and choice in Connecticut, study methods to ensure the viability of physician practices, and develop legislative recommendations to improve reporting and oversight of physician practice mergers and acquisitions.
OHS must make recommendations as a result of the study to the General Assembly no later than February 1, 2023.
If interested, please complete and submit the attached application to OHS no later than Friday, September 24, 2021.
For more information about the Physician Practice Workgroup, please contact Steven Lazarus at [email protected] or Ronald Ciesones at [email protected].