Truck Mileage Tax Signed, Gov. Lamont & Democrats Make CT More Expensive

July 13, 2021

Truck Mileage Tax Signed, Gov. Lamont & Democrats Make CT More Expensive - CT Senate Republic

 Senator Kelly Statement on Governor Lamont Signing Truck Mileage Tax


Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to Governor Ned Lamont signing into law a new mileage tax on trucks estimated to raise $90 million in new revenue:


“It’s no surprise that Gov. Lamont signed this damaging tax into law with little fanfare. This is a tax on every good transported across our state by truck, including those goods that originate and are delivered in state. The extra cost to trucking companies will ultimately be passed onto families with increased prices on food, home heating oil and more. Gov. Lamont and CT Democrats are making Connecticut a more expensive place to live, work and raise a family. While today Gov. Lamont is celebrating CT’s environment for business owners, he simultaneously moves Connecticut backwards for families. Connecticut may be getting better for business owners, but CT Democrats are leaving workers behind. Connecticut is still dead last for families looking for work, a higher income, or a better economy for workers. The Governor’s mileage tax only makes it that much harder to change workers’ reality and help working- and middle-class families afford to live here.”