Sen. Kelly Slams Gov. Lamont’s Veto of Probate Court Order Bill

July 16, 2021

Sen. Kelly Slams Gov. Lamont’s Veto of Probate Court Order Bill - CT Senate Republic

Kelly: “Governor Lamont is siding with big government over poor, vulnerable, and disabled individuals.”


HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) is blasting Governor Ned Lamont’s veto of Senate Bill 940 An Act Concerning State Agency Compliance with Probate Court Orders.


The bill would make Probate Court orders/decrees binding on state agencies when the Probate Court has statutory jurisdiction over the subject matter.


“I proposed this bill to protect the state’s most vulnerable residents,” said Sen. Kelly. “Working in the field of elder law, I have all too often seen the most vulnerable individuals forced into difficult and financially tolling situations in order to receive state services because a state agency has wrongly disregarded a Probate Court decree.


“Probate Court is the people’s court. Their orders and decrees should be respected by executive branch agencies.  That’s what this bill seeks to do.


“In vetoing this bill the governor made a choice. He chose to side with big government over poor, vulnerable, and disabled individuals,” said Kelly.


Senate Bill 940 was supported by Probate Court Administrator Beverly K. Streit-Kefalas who testified in support earlier this year.


The bill passed with unanimous support in the State Senate.