Sen. Kelly Slams Democrats’ Out of Touch, Alarmist Remarks Saying CT is “Not Safe” Due to COVID-19
July 16, 2021

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) blasted comments made by Connecticut Democrats stating that Connecticut is not safe due to COVID-19.
When Democrats were questioned by the press this week about when emergency executive powers would end, they responded, “when the state is safe.” In response to a follow up question: “Is it not safe now?” Democrats said, “no it is not.”
“To say that our state is not safe today because of COVID-19 is not only out-of-touch, it’s fear-mongering,” said Sen. Kelly. “In May, Gov. Lamont told us to ‘get out of the damn house.’ The message to people is to go on planes and eat in restaurants. Connecticut is filling up our museums with free admission for children, many of whom cannot be vaccinated. Crowded concerts are even being promoted as part of the Governor’s recovery campaign. Businesses are open and people are trying to get back to work. For Senate Democrats to tell people our state is not safe is alarmist, contradictory, and hinders the progress forward that we need to recover.
“It’s ironic that CT Senate Democrats say our state is not safe when it comes to COVID-19, but have yet to acknowledge the state’s growing violence epidemic. New Haven’s homicide rate is up 66.7% so far this year. Hartford is on pace for one of its deadliest years in decades, with 20 murders halfway through 2021. In 2020 murders went up 30% and car theft arrests rose by 23%. Yet last week while every other caucus was meeting together to discuss Connecticut’s increasing crime rates, Senate Democrats were taking partisan shots from the sidelines. If they want to talk about safety, let’s talk about it. More than that, let’s recognize a call to action and do better to make our state safer for every resident everywhere.”