Sen. Kelly: Insurance Rate Increases Show Democrats Fail to Address Growing Health Care Costs
July 13, 2021

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement regarding proposed health insurance rate increases and comments made by CT Democrats. Senate Republicans proposed a health care affordability plan this year that would have reduced health insurance premiums by an average of 25% – 30%, which Democrats refused to act on.
“This year Connecticut Democrats again blocked our plan to rein in growing health care costs, make prescription drugs more affordable, and reduce health insurance premiums by $500 per month for the average family. For Democrats to now feign surprise and promise action when rates increase is disingenuous to the people they serve. In a year when health care was front and center, Democrats failed to make health care more affordable for families. They did not broaden health care access, reduce industry costs or help people access high quality health insurance coverage. They expanded lower-quality Medicaid. That’s it. Connecticut families deserve better. We can do better. But Democrats who control the legislature and have the power to effect change and lower costs refuse to do so. Democrats stand in the way of affordable health care in Connecticut, as evidenced by these rate increases.”