Sen. Kelly: “A Blatant Overreach of Power”
July 6, 2021

Sen. Kelly Statement on Proposed Extension of Governor’s Powers
HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement regarding CT Democratic legislative leaders’ plans to extend Governor Ned Lamont’s pandemic-related emergency powers for another six months:
“Our government was not designed to be ruled by one person. We have three branches of government for a reason and it is past time that power goes back to the people. A six month extension at this point is a blatant overreach of power. There is no reason why the legislature cannot act in equal partnership with the executive branch to codify any policy needed to continue administering vaccines, to oversee public health issues, or to keep our communities safe. Our government was designed to give all people an equal voice. Continuing these orders for another 6 months conflicts with that process. It is time to restore our democracy to operate in the way it was intended.”