Sen. Cicarella Statement on Fatal Shooting in North Haven; Calls on Legislature to Act Amid Statewide Spike in Violent Crime
July 18, 2021
Cicarella: “Enough is enough.”
State Sen. Paul Cicarella (R-North Haven) issued the following statement on yesterday’s fatal shooting in North Haven on Route 40 and additional incidents in the town that also occurred that day. This deadly incident is now part of a long list of recent violent crimes across the state.
“Yesterday our North Haven community experienced a series of unacceptable events. North Haven police and local first-responders did an incredible job facing these challenges. My heart goes out to the family of the individual who lost their life. What we saw this weekend is disturbing and I worry that it is part of a growing level of violent crime across our state that is endangering lives and demands action. Every day we read about car thefts that perpetuate other violent crimes or result in the injury of innocent bystanders from collisions on our roadways. Enough is enough,” said Senator Cicarella.
“I spoke to police chief Kevin Glenn after learning about yesterday’s shooting. He shared with me his concerns about the alarming increase in crime in our communities. Connecticut needs to address this rise in crime head-on as a call to action. It’s clear that current policies are not enough to prevent and stop crime. Violent crime is threatening our cities, towns and families. Current policies are not sufficiently addressing the juveniles who are involved in crimes to deter them from going down this path, or to have the proper consequences or rehabilitative plans in place when crime occurs. We’re at the point that crime has reached an epidemic proportion.
“I will meet with the chiefs from my district and look for their input to help stop the rising crime in the State of Connecticut. We need to bring all perspectives together to identify the root causes and address them with strong and comprehensive policy changes. We must ensure police have the tools, resources and support they need. We also must look to why current state policies are not working and how we can prevent crime before people, especially young people, go down the wrong path by focusing on opportunity. Innocent people are being hurt and property stolen in situations that have put many people at risk. It’s time for our families and neighbors to feel safe in every city and town in our state,” he said.