MARTIN TO VOTE NO: “I encourage all legislators today to stay focused on the science, not the politics.”
July 14, 2021
Sen. Henri Martin (R-Bristol) will vote no today on the resolution to further extend the Governor’s Emergency Powers.
“This is a straightforward vote which the Democrats are trying to cloud with threats of losing federal funding and slow-moving government. Plain and simple this is a power grab by the majority. Based on the science, and even based on the actions of surrounding states, the ’emergency’ has waned and it’s time to start returning all three branches of government to their normal checks and balances and give the people back their normal lives.
“I am proud to be joined by my senate republican colleagues today in taking a unified stand for representative government. I was elected to serve the 100,000 people of the 31st district and it is unacceptable that the majority continues to shirk their responsibilities and allow the Governor to make blanket decisions.
“I encourage all legislators today to stay focused on the science, not the politics.”