WATCH: Sen. Tony Hwang: “Health Insurance (HIT) Tax will not make CT More Affordable, Senate Republicans offer A Better Way”
June 2, 2021

HARTFORD – Sen. Tony Hwang (R-Fairfield) stood with Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) at a press conference Wednesday June 2, 2021 to oppose the $50 million health insurance (HIT) tax proposed by Democratic lawmakers and Gov. Lamont and highlight a ‘better way’ to make healthcare more affordable for CT’s middle class families and small businesses.
CT Republicans researched and collaborated with impacted shareholders and proposed a white paper plan and SB 1006 to reduce health care costs using proven public policies that can be achieved without tax increases on health insurance policies and are urging lawmakers to work together to achieve affordable, quality healthcare insurance coverage.
Following the press conference, Sen. Hwang released the following statement:
“Year after year we watch the Democratic majority insist that there is an urgent need to get healthcare costs under control. This $50 million health insurance tax flies in the face of efforts to make Connecticut more affordable as it adds to the increasing cost of insurance coverage.
“There is no question that any person would want to provide their loved ones with the best and most extensive healthcare available if they were in need. Healthcare costs in Connecticut make it incredibly challenging for people to receive and provide the care they deserve. Connecticut Republicans have found a better way for the healthcare industry to operate without a lofty tax increase or unnecessary risk to the taxpayer.
“Republicans and Democrats agree that healthcare insurance premiums are skyrocketing and unaffordable, but the difference is that most Democrats believe that state government run healthcare insurance is the solution. The Republican “better way” utilizes proven marketplace solutions such as ‘reinsurance’, ‘benchmarking’ and ‘prescription drug cost containment’ that parallels Governor Lamont’s proposal – except without the “HIT” tax burden on Connecticut residents and businesses.
“Republicans insist that every Connecticut healthcare insurance program must be audited for transparency and accountability.
“The status quo of escalating, unaffordable health care costs cannot stand. The Connecticut General Assembly should pass a bipartisan ‘better way’ healthcare insurance that is affordable and sustainable without taxes and alternative state run plans this legislative session.”