Senator Witkos Votes Yes on State Budget
June 9, 2021
Hartford, CT – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-Canton) has released the following statement regarding the recently passed FY 2022/2023 State Biennium Budget:
Earlier this evening the Senate voted upon the proposed state biennium budget of which I voted in the affirmative. While the initial budget proposal initially included burdensome taxes on things like mileage, real estate, income, and more, I was grateful that the finished product was void of these misguided attempts to raise taxes and would have increased the burden on residents across our state.
At a time when budget revenues are coming in above what was anticipated and federal aid is being used to make long overdue investments in a variety of ways, I feel this budget is a sensible and practical proposal that will benefit our state for the next two years.
While this budget not only does not implement new taxes, it does increase funding for our towns, schools, health districts, and increases aid to nursing homes and service providers.
Other highlights of the budget include:
- Increased funding for nursing homes; $88m over biennium
- Funding for domestic violence counsel; $2.5m over biennium
- Funds youth suicide prevention measures
- Increased ambulance reimbursement rates $5.6m over biennium
- Increased Payment In Lieu of Taxes funding for towns and cities