Senator Rob Sampson Fights to Stem the Democratic Spending Tide
June 9, 2021
HARTFORD – Senator Rob Sampson (R-16) voted no on HB 6687 a bill that would have provided Medicaid benefits to illegal aliens. Senator Sampson provided a personal and patriotic explanation:
“I am sympathetic to the desire to help all those struggling with healthcare, but we should take care of Americans first. We need to recommit ourselves to upholding our federal immigration laws. Instead, the majority Democrats continue to use immigration for political gain – and taxpayers will suffer and be forced to fund the ramifications of that choice,” said Sen. Sampson.
Later in the night, the Senate discussed HB 6688 which introduces a highway use tax on trucks and Senator Sampson was joined by his entire caucus on a no vote.
“There is no way around it, this is a tax. It was offensive to hear the majority brag about all the ‘great’ things they are going to accomplish by implementing a ‘user fee’ on trucks traveling Connecticut roads. This is an unacceptable justification for the misuse of state budget monies that are supposed to be directed to transportation infrastructure,” said Sen. Sampson.
Meanwhile in the State House, the budget passed on a 116-31 vote and is being called a “bipartisan” measure. “I’m disappointed in any legislator, regardless of party, who votes for a budget that enables a spending increase to the tune of billions of dollars while leaving a massive deficit,” concluded Sen. Sampson.
The State Senate is set to take up the budget first thing in the morning.