Sen. Kelly: “The shift away from tax increases is a win for Connecticut families”
June 4, 2021

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) and House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora (R-North Branford) released the following statement regarding state budget negotiations moving away from tax increases:
“The Governor started out wanting new taxes on gas, food and health insurance. Democrats wanted over $3.2 billion in new taxes on income, mileage, houses, and jobs. Today, they tell us all those taxes are out of the budget. So what changed? Republicans rallied around our state saying no to any new taxes. We took our message to the people, and their voices were heard. Connecticut’s families are taxed enough. At a time when we have historic federal aid, a budget surplus, and a record-breaking rainy-day fund it is irresponsible and out of touch for Democrats to tax people even more. The shift away from tax increases is a win for Connecticut families and exactly who Republicans fight for. It’s a win for every working- and middle-class family.”
“We look forward to reviewing the details of the budget. It’s important to not only avoid placing more financial burdens on Connecticut residents, but also to preserve the policies that are slowly improving the health of our state’s finances. We must abide by and respect the state’s spending and bonding caps – policies Republicans successfully fought for in 2017 and the reason we have a historic rainy-day fund and surplus today. We cannot undue or circumvent the very policies that are proven to be game changers for our state’s financial health.
“We must stop new taxes today. Just as important, we must avoid new taxes tomorrow. The only way to do that is by putting our state on better footing, avoiding future funding cliffs, and maintaining taxpayer protections.”