Sen. Kelly Statement on State Budget Bill Signing

June 23, 2021

Sen. Kelly Statement on State Budget Bill Signing - CT Senate Republic

HARTFORD Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement regarding Governor Ned Lamont signing the state budget bill approved by the General Assembly:


“This budget is a testament to Republican efforts to beat back billions of dollars in new taxes proposed by Democrats. Democrats all started out seeking tax increases. Governor Lamont proposed $630 million in new taxes. Democratic lawmakers proposed over $3.2 billion in new taxes. And progressives wanted over $4 billion in new taxes. But Republicans pushed back and went out to the people with our message calling for no new taxes. Connecticut is already too unaffordable. We energized the public, and they made their voices heard, bringing us to the compromise budget before us today. This budget represents an important response to the pandemic and makes needed investments in education, child care, municipal aid, and core services.  While not perfect, this budget includes important measures focused on rebuilding our state. The major shift away from new taxes is a win for Connecticut families.”