Kelly: Lamont’s Economy is Dead Last in Nation; Alarming Report Demands Shift in Hartford
June 28, 2021

“This is why housing, health care, and supporting a family is unaffordable in Connecticut”
Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) raised concerns about affordability, jobs and economic opportunity in Connecticut following an alarming report from the U.S. Commerce Department issued Friday that confirms that Governor Lamont’s post-pandemic economic recovery continues to lag behind the rest of the nation:
“Friday’s report demands immediate attention and recognition from our state leaders that all is not well in Connecticut. The Connecticut Democrat economy is plagued by unemployment, low wages and stagnant growth. Connecticut is dead last in the nation in job growth and income growth and continues to fall behind every other state. We can no longer be fooled into thinking this is acceptable.
“Lamont’s economy is why housing, health care, and supporting a family is unaffordable in Connecticut. It’s why people continue to struggle to break the cycle of generational poverty. Our state is unaffordable, thanks to years of Democratic rule, and falls behind every other state in giving middle class families the quality jobs and opportunities they deserve. Income growth has not kept up with the cost of living, we are nowhere near recovering our job loss from the 2008 recession – over ten years later! According to Fred Carstensen, a University of Connecticut economics professor and director of the Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, Connecticut has the ‘worst performing economy among all 50 states — dead last.’ This is a wakeup call that a decade of Democrat leadership has not delivered on the progress that Connecticut families were promised.”