Sen. Kelly Statement on “Clean Slate” Changes, Passage of Bill to Support Law Enforcement & Public Safety

May 26, 2021

Sen. Kelly Statement on “Clean Slate” Changes, Passage of Bill to Support Law Enforcement & Public Safety - CT Senate Republic

Changes Follow Republican Efforts to Highlight Dangerous Provisions of Democrat Record Erasure Bill

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to the Senate voting to change multiple provisions of the “clean slate” record erasure bill passed last week by Democrats:

“CT Democrats went too far. Last week they passed a bill to shield people who committed horrific, violent crimes which put our communities at risk. They passed a bill that does not put victims first and could ultimately put others in dangerous positions. If it were not for the robust debate that took place last week and the amendments proposed by 12 Republican senators, the true impact of this bill would have flown under the radar.

“The new legislation passed today is a partial reversal. It is an admission that Democrats voted to support bad and dangerous policy. This amendment still does not eliminate all the dangerous pieces of the bill. But it is an important step to maintain records involving some of the most heinous crimes.

“The bill passed today also contains multiple Republican policies to give police officers the tools they need to protect others and maintain public safety. Connecticut is seeing an increase in crime and the Republican policies included in this bill are important steps to help the men and women who risk their lives every day to serve and protect. Among the changes, the bill increases penalties for adults who coerce juveniles into committing crimes including stealing cars and it allows for search of a person with consent if an officer has reasonable and articulable suspicion of a crime. The bill also will provide victims with notice if a defendant may be eligible for automatic erasure.”