Join Us Monday 5/17 in Enfield! 5 PM Rally vs. Proposed Gas/Food Tax Hikes

May 12, 2021

Join Us Monday 5/17 in Enfield! 5 PM Rally vs. Proposed Gas/Food Tax Hikes - CT Senate Republic

“Stop the Gas Tax/Stop the Food Tax” Rally on Monday, May 17 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Enfield at Corner of North Main St. and Enfield St.

WHO: Senator John A. Kissel, Representative Carol Hall, area residents and businesses who oppose the proposed new CT gas tax and food tax.

WHAT: Anti-CT Tax Hikes Rally

WHEN: Monday, May 17 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

WHERE: Corner of North Main St. and Enfield St.

WHY: To speak out against the Democrats’ proposed $200 million tax hikes on CT gas and mileage. Not only will these proposed regressive taxes hurt working and middle class families’ wallets at the pump, but they will cause price increases on all necessities shipped throughout our state, from groceries to home heating oil, at a time when residents are already struggling. The rally is an opportunity for concerned area residents and businesses to speak out against the proposed new taxes.

Learn more and sign the petition at