SPEAK OUT! Debate over Local Zoning Control & New Property Taxes Continues

March 21, 2021

SPEAK OUT! Debate over Local Zoning Control & New Property Taxes Continues - CT Senate Republic

Defend Local Zoning Control, Protect the Environment & Open Space, Stop Overdevelopment, AND SAY NO to a New Statewide Property Tax

Last week CT Democrats cut off public input by closing down a public hearing on multiple bills that raise questions of open space preservation and overdevelopment, and local control, in effect turning away almost 70% of the people who had signed up to testify.

There is now another opportunity to share your thoughts on a similar bill. This bill ALSO INTRODUCES AN ADDITIONAL STATEWIDE PROPERTY TAX.


**This bill would levy an additional property tax on some homes located in municipalities which do not meet the current 10% requirement on Affordable Housing**

**This bill mirrors SB 172 that was heard by the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Comittee — so if you submitted testimony already, you can resubmit to P&D for SB 1068**


Make Your Voice Heard!

Planning & Development Committee Public Hearing
Monday, March 22, 10 a.m.
Submit Testimony via Email
Written testimony can be submitted AT ANY TIME.

  1. Send a brief email to [email protected]
  2. Include “NO to Senate Bill 1068” in the subject line

Include your name and town in the email


Testify Virtually via Zoom or by Phone
Registration deadline: TODAY Sunday, March 21, 3 p.m.

Testify by Zoom:
Click here to register

Testify by phone:
To register, call (203) 350-3769 to leave your contact information.


Learn More: Sen. Hwang hosts an Informational Forum on the impacts of proposed legislation.