Speak Out Against a Statewide Property Tax!

March 11, 2021

Speak Out Against a Statewide Property Tax! - CT Senate Republic

CT Democrats proposed a bill that will create a new statewide property tax.

What are CT Democrats Proposing?

  • This would be a new 1 mill tax on top of the local property tax.
  • It would apply to all houses assessed at $300,000 or more as well as commercial property.
  • Money would go directly to the state, not to your town or city, and the state would distribute your tax dollars to places such as Hartford and New Haven.
  • CT Democrats call this a “mansion tax.” But in reality it’s another tax on middle-class families.

How to Speak Out

  1. Email brief testimony TODAY to [email protected]
  2. In the subject line put: “NO to Senate Bill 171. No to a Statewide Property Tax.”
  3. Copy me on the email at [email protected].
  4. Share this information with fellow CT residents.

Sign the Petition

How will this tax impact our district?

  • Stratford taxpayers would send $1.2 MILLION to Hartford
  • Shelton taxpayers would send $1.3 MILLION to Hartford
  • Monroe taxpayers would send $491,477 to Hartford
  • Seymour taxpayers would send $168,527 to Hartford
This takes money from our communities that could be used to educate our children, plow our roads or keep our communities safe. Instead it sends that money to the State Capitol to distribute based on political decision making.