Speak Out Against a Statewide Property Tax!

March 11, 2021

Speak Out Against a Statewide Property Tax! - CT Senate Republic

CT Democrats proposed a bill that will create a new statewide property tax.

What are CT Democrats Proposing?

  • This would be a new 1 mill tax on top of the local property tax.
  • It would apply to all houses assessed at $300,000 or more as well as commercial property.
  • Money would go directly to the state, not to the town or city in which it is collected. State politicians would redistribute those tax dollars at their discretion.
  • CT Democrats call this a “mansion tax.” But in reality it’s another tax on middle-class families.

How to Speak Out

  1. Email brief testimony TODAY to [email protected]
  2. In the subject line put: “NO to Senate Bill 171. No to a Statewide Property Tax.”
  3. Share this information with fellow CT residents.

Sign the Petition