Senator Witkos Statement Regarding Extension of Emergency Powers

March 31, 2021

Senator Witkos Statement Regarding Extension of Emergency Powers - CT Senate Republic

Senator Kevin Witkos (R-Canton) has issued the following statement in response to Senate approval of an extension of the Governor’s emergency powers  for an additional thirty days, to expire on May 20th, 2021.

“The State of Connecticut is much different in April 2021 than it was a year ago.  While the Governor has faced unprecedented challenges and issued numerous executive orders aimed at keeping our state and its residents safe, the necessity for one individual to have this authority has waned.”


“Over the past several weeks, the minority caucuses have pushed for meetings between the administration and legislative leaders to discuss codifying, modifying, or terminating executive orders.  These requests were rejected.”


“I was pleased to have introduced an amendment which would have required legislative ratification or rejection of any emergency declaration enacted by the Governor lasting longer than 7 days.  It is incumbent that duly elected legislators can express the wishes of their constituents by taking an active vote on issues of this magnitude.   The amendment was ultimately defeated along party lines.”


“With schools across Connecticut returning to in-person learning, capacity restrictions being lifted and the number of residents receiving their vaccine rising by the day, it is time that the legislature reassert itself as a co-equal branch of government.  I voted in opposition to extending the Governor’s powers yet again and feel strongly that it is time to re-balance the powers between the legislative and executive branch of state government”