Sen. Somers Applauds Passage of Data Center Jobs Legislation

March 2, 2021

Sen. Somers Applauds Passage of Data Center Jobs Legislation - CT Senate Republic

Has been pushing for bill’s passage for years


Sen. Heather Somers today applauded the state senate’s Mar. 1 passage of a bill which aims to attract qualified data centers to locate in Connecticut.

“For years, I have been pushing to get this legislation passed into law,” Sen. Somers said.  “As a state, we must do all we can to send a positive and welcoming message to potential Connecticut employers. Qualified data centers are an explosive job growth industry and this industry needs people to fill the jobs it is creating. What better place than Connecticut, with our outstanding workforce, to fill that need and attract this private sector investment?”

The bill enables qualified data centers to apply to the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development to enter into an agreement with DECD for exemption from certain state taxes.

“As we emerge from this pandemic, we must pass policies which help get the people of Connecticut working in good-paying jobs. This bill, which focuses on tapping into the needs of the qualified data center industry, is a great example of a policy which can benefit the people of southeastern Connecticut and in communities across our state. 

“Let’s get Connecticut’s economy moving again. Let’s show struggling middle class Connecticut families that we are listening to their concerns. Let’s be proactive in making our state a magnet for new, quality, in-demand jobs.”
