Sen. Kelly Seeks to Reopen Democracy, Opposes Extending Governor’s Powers

March 23, 2021

Sen. Kelly Seeks to Reopen Democracy, Opposes Extending Governor’s Powers - CT Senate Republic

“Our system of government is not wired for one-person rule.”

Connecticut must give people back their voice in government. As our state reopens all around us, it’s past time to reopen democracy too.

CT Senate Republicans are renewing our calls to reopen the legislature as a co-equal branch of government.

We are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Yet over the last year Connecticut Democrats ceded unprecedented authority to one person again and again, suppressing the voices of the people they represent. They’ve kept the Capitol closed to the public, turned people away from public hearings, and now Democrats want to extend the Governor’s powers again, past the April 20th extension they approved just a few months ago. CT Democrats haven’t done their homework, and they are asking the teacher for another extension.

We have sought to work with Democrats to together determine which executive orders need to be modified or codified into law, and which ones need to be phased out and when. This entire legislative session should have been focused on restoring the checks-and-balances of government and giving the people back their voice.

Instead, CT Democrats focused the last three months on using the closed-door legislative session to advance controversial bills and partisan agendas, even going so far as to suppress people’s voices at public hearings – at one hearing, turning away over 80% of those who signed up to testify. And they don’t want that to change.


Make Your Voice Heard

Contact CT Democrats and Governor Lamont and tell them we need a path to reopen democracy, not another delay.

Call Governor Ned Lamont 860-566-4840 or 800-406-1527
Call CT Senate Democrats 860-240-8600 or 800-842-1420
Call CT House Democrats 860-240-8500 or 800-842-1902