Sen. Kelly: As CT Reopens, Democracy Does Not

March 19, 2021

Sen. Kelly: As CT Reopens, Democracy Does Not - CT Senate Republic

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement regarding today’s lifting of COVID-19 restrictions across the state and the continued foot dragging at the Capitol when it comes to reestablishing three equal branches of government:


“As Connecticut reopens, democracy does not. Today Connecticut is fully reopening everything from restaurants to gyms and lifting travel restrictions. But something very important still remains closed: the state legislature.


“Yesterday, following a meeting between Democrats and Gov. Lamont that Republicans were excluded from, it became abundantly clear that CT Democrats purposely haven’t done their homework to reestablish our legislature as a co-equal branch of government. While our state reopens all around us, CT Democrats have been doing nothing to restore the checks-and-balances of government. They have not developed a path to reopen democracy. They have not identified which executive orders need to be passed in to law to keep people safe – something Republicans called for in January. They have not been doing their job. Instead, they have focused the last three months on using the closed-door legislative session to advance controversial bills and partisan agendas, even going so far as to use COVID-restrictions as an excuse to turn people away from public hearings. And they don’t want that to change.


“I was glad to hear the Governor call for more legislative involvement when it comes to any extension of his powers – something Republicans sought months ago only to be called ‘dangerous’ and ‘anti-science’ for raising. But I was alarmed to hear the willingness of Democrats to shift their responsibility back to the Governor, silencing the voices of the people they represent. If it is safe enough to reopen our state today, why isn’t it safe enough to restore the checks-and-balances of three branches of government?”