Sen. Berthel stands with Senate Republican Colleagues to say ‘No’ to latest extension of Executive Authority

March 31, 2021

Sen. Berthel stands with Senate Republican Colleagues to say ‘No’ to latest extension of Executive Authority - CT Senate Republic

Deputy Senate Republican Leader Eric Berthel (R-Watertown) released the following statement following the State Senate votes on H.B. 6672 and LCO 6253 Senate Amendment A:

“First and foremost, this pandemic is something that should be taken very seriously. Many people and businesses have been affected by it, and I respect the science behind the state’s mitigation efforts. However, our government must return to the way in which it was originally designed, with co-equal branches. We’ve been operating under one-person rule for over a year. This type of government leaves out the most important element of a fair and balanced government: the voice of the people,” said Senator Berthel.

“We are on the back end of the pandemic because of the immeasurable sacrifice of my constituents and hundreds of thousands across the state. By tomorrow, everyone will be eligible to receive the vaccine. We as a legislature are capable of convening as needed to make decisions related to the health and well-being of our constituents; this is what we were elected by the people to do.

“The amendment offered by my colleagues and I was a valid compromise. It allowed us to restore the voice of the people while enabling the governor to issue shorter-term declarations of emergency for matters requiring same-day decisions such as tropical and winter storms. As the state is nearly fully re-opened, the legislature must be fully reinstated to represent the interests of the people,” he said.