CT Coronavirus Response Update – March 26, 2021

March 26, 2021

CT Coronavirus Response Update – March 26, 2021 - CT Senate Republic

The Office of the Governor provided the following updates as of 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, 2021:

Data updates on testing in Connecticut

The following is a summary of the day-to-day newly reported data on cases, deaths, and tests in Connecticut.

Overall Summary Total Change Since Yesterday
COVID-19 Cases (confirmed and probable) 303,511 +1,489
COVID-19 Tests Reported (molecular and antigen) 7,492,050 +38,387
Daily Test Positivity 3.88%
Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19 434 +22
COVID-19 Associated Deaths 7,862 +10


For more information visit ct.gov/coronavirus and click the link that is labeled, “Data Tracker.”

Data updates on vaccine administration in Connecticut

The following data represents the total number of COVID-19 vaccinations administered in Connecticut, as reported to the state as of today:

Dose Total Administered
First doses administered 1,101,821*
Fully vaccinated 619,154*
Total doses administered 1,680,671*


*NOTE: A total of 40,304 doses of the single-dose J&J vaccine are included in each category

So far, 38 percent of all adults over the age of 16 in Connecticut have received at least one dose, including 80 percent of all adults over the age of 75.

Today it was announced that the state plans to accelerate its vaccine program. All adults in Connecticut over the age of 16 will now be eligible to schedule a vaccination appointment beginning April 1, 2021. (Previously, the eligibility date for this age group was April 5.)
Those who are currently eligible to receive the vaccine in Connecticut include:

  • All individuals over the age of 45;
  • Healthcare personnel;
  • Medical first responders;
  • Residents and staff of long-term care facilities;
  • Residents and staff of select congregate settings; and
  • PreK-12 school staff and professional childcare providers.

Information on Connecticut’s COVID-19 vaccination program is available at ct.gov/covidvaccine.

Data updates on variants of concern in Connecticut

The following data contains the cumulative number of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern that have been reported among Connecticut residents as of today:

  • B.1.1.7 (first detected in the United Kingdom): 379 cases
  • B.1.351 (first detected in South Africa): 7 cases
  • P.1 (first detected in Brazil): 2 cases
  • B.1.427 (first detected in California): 2 cases
  • B.1.429 (first detected in California): 7 cases

For a town-by-town breakdown of where in Connecticut each of the patients involved in these cases reside, see page 7 of this week’s extended COVID-19 data report.

Weekly update on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing homes and assisted living facilities

The following documents contain the weekly data regarding each of the nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Connecticut that have reported positive cases of COVID-19 among their residents. The data is presented as it was reported to the state by each of the facilities.

**DownloadReport from March 25, 2021 on COVID-19 in Connecticut nursing homes
**DownloadReport from March 25, 2021 on COVID-19 in Connecticut assisted living facilities

Weekly update of the Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 Alert Map: 132 of 169 municipalities in red zone alert level

The Connecticut Department of Public Health today released its weekly COVID-19 Alert Map, which indicates that 132 of 169 towns and cities in Connecticut are currently in the red zone alert level, the highest of the state’s four alert levels.

The COVID-19 Alert Map is updated every Thursday afternoon and can be found within the Data Tracker page of the state’s coronavirus website at ct.gov/coronavirus.