A 17-cent gas tax hike? Speak out today!

March 7, 2021

A 17-cent gas tax hike? Speak out today! - CT Senate Republic

CT Democrats have proposed a bill which could potentially raise prices at the pump by 17-cents-per-gallon. This regressive tax hike:

  • Is supported by the governor and legislative Democrats.
  • Will burden CT middle-class families’ budgets at the absolute worst possible time without improving our aging transportation infrastructure.
  • Is a backdoor way of imposing tolls on all vehicles.

How can YOU speak out against it?

  1. Send a brief email TODAY to [email protected]
  2. In the subject line put: “No to SB 884! No to gas tax hikes!”
  3. Share this information with fellow taxpayers

This regressive tax hike will burden middle-class families’ budgets at the absolute worst possible time without improving our aging transportation infrastructure. These higher taxes would be levied on Connecticut families even as states to our west are not moving forward with their own clean air reforms.  

If struggling Connecticut middle class families are going to be asked to make this financial sacrifice to achieve cleaner air, then states to our west should make the same commitment.  Otherwise, we here in Connecticut would get nothing for our sacrifice. Connecticut’s adoption of TCI will result in cleaner air not for our own state, but for Rhode Island and the Atlantic Ocean.

Thank you for speaking out against this proposal which, if passed into law, will make Connecticut even more unaffordable