Sens. Kelly & Formica statement on Comcast delay of higher priced internet charge
February 3, 2021
Connecticut Senate Republican Leaders issued the following statements today regarding Comcast’s announcement that it will suspend its new fees on home Internet users in more than a dozen Northeastern states.
Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) said, “To levy new fees on Connecticut’s middle class families during a pandemic would have been a tone deaf decision. Comcast has done the right thing by reversing course on a policy that would have resulted in higher financial burdens. Connecticut Senate Republicans will continue to highlight the need for better connectivity, especially for our urban populations, seniors, and our most vulnerable residents. Their voices are not currently being heard in this virtual government run by majority Democrats.”
Senate Republican Leader Pro Tempore Paul Formica (R-East Lyme) said, “I’m glad to see that Comcast reached a common sense solution to suspend data caps which would have added additional hardships for their pandemic-beaten customers. Internet service is now more important than ever for Connecticut families. Comcast’s decision to choose people over increasing profits will enable Connecticut ratepayers to attend class, to ‘go to work’ and make that call to a loved one instead of forcing them to miss these important events simply to avoid a fee increase. Now, the Connecticut Legislature should follow Comcast’s example and work collaboratively to avoid increasing the financial demands on its residents and businesses by raising taxes.”