“I do not need to hide behind a screen to voice my opinions or cast my vote.”
January 8, 2021
Senator Rob Sampson offers the following statement on the Connecticut State Senate and Joint Rules adopted on the Opening Day of the 2021 Legislative Session:
“I want to thank the Senate Republican Caucus, and our new leader Kevin Kelly for standing together and having the courage and common sense to say no to the proposed changes to the senate and joint rules from Hartford democrats. While we did not stop the changes from being adopted, we at least are on the record standing up for every Connecticut citizen’s right to have access to the law-making process.
“I wholeheartedly disagree with the decision that state senators can cast a vote from outside the chamber. Merely being ‘on the premises’ reduces the legislature to a drive-thru. During both the July and October Special Sessions we were able to conduct our business in an orderly and safe manner, and I am not sure what has so drastically changed now.
“Further, these virtual or Zoom sessions are an affront to democracy. In his address, Governor Lamont spoke about the ‘digital divide’ when it comes to students and remote learning. I ask, how then do you think the citizens of Connecticut are going to handle being cut out of the 2021 Legislative Session? People should not be allowed or disallowed access to their state government based on their age, socioeconomic status, or geographic proximity to reliable internet.
“I’m not sure what the merits are to making these rule changes but I, for one, do not need to hide behind a screen to voice my opinions or cast my vote.”