Sen. Miner Announces 2021 Legislative Committee Assignments
December 4, 2020

Sen. Miner Reappointed Ranking Member on Appropriations and Environment Committees; Will Continue Service on Regulation Review Committee
State Senator Craig Miner (R-Litchfield) has been reappointed by Sen. Minority Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), to serve as the leading Senate Republican on the legislature’s Appropriations and Environment Committees. In addition, Sen. Miner will continue his service on the legislature’s Regulation Review Committee (2020 co-chair) and Screening Committee (2020 committee chairman).
“I want to thank Senator Kelly for entrusting me as the leading Republican voice on these important committees,” said Sen. Miner. “We have important work ahead of us, especially with a two-year looming deficit of upwards of $2 billion. I look forward to working collaboratively to craft policy and find solutions to the problems facing our state, many of which have been precipitated by COVID-19. I will be particularly focused on making sure the rural communities and middle class residents in my district are not treated unfairly in the budget process.”
The Appropriations Committee formulates the spending portion of the state budget. Sen. Miner has previously served as vice-chair of the committee. He plans to make decisions that support responsible spending with a looming deficit of upwards of $2 billion.
The Environment Committee has cognizance over environmental regulation and oversight of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) and the Department of Agriculture. Sen. Miner has extensive experience in crafting environmental policy and has always worked to craft sustainable policy for our state’s natural resources. During this past spring and summer, he worked collaboratively with CT DEEP to ensure access to state parks and their amenities for residents during the COVD-19 pandemic. Sen. Miner also plans to leverage his experience to craft legislation that addresses the state’s sustainable solid waste management needs.
The Regulation Review Committee has equal bipartisan membership and approves the regulations which come from the state agencies. Sen. Miner will always be on the lookout for the middle class and businesses of this state, which may be inadvertently burdened by excessive regulation.
Along with his committee responsibilities, Sen. Miner will continue his service on the Screening Committee after serving as the 2020 chairman. It will be his responsibility to screen bills for the caucus.
The 2021 Legislative Session begins on January 6. Please contact his office if you have concerns or legislation proposals at [email protected] or call 860-240-8800.