One CT Senator’s outlook for 2021
December 18, 2020
2020 is unlikely to be considered a favorite year by most. A divided country and COVID-19 are two things we could definitely live without.
As we begin 2021, I am maintaining a positive outlook, though this year begins with many of the same trials and challenges. Over the past decade, every political election has seemed to be more consequential than the last one, and this one will certainly leave an indelible mark.
Here in Connecticut, Democrats increased their legislative majorities in both chambers. Nationally, the presidential election -whether official or not – is still unsettled for many and highlighted a dangerous trend – the public’s waning confidence in the integrity of our election process. As the leading Republican member on the committee that handles elections, I can tell you the concerns are legitimate. Despite how anyone feels about the outcome of the presidential election, there is significant evidence that elections across the country, including our own, were riddled with errors, disputed results, and shocking examples of fraud.
I’m honored to take the lead role in GOP policymaking decisions when it comes to Labor and Elections and will serve as the ranking Republican member of both committees.
These past six months have shown that they will sink to a low level to push their agenda, exaggerating and exploiting a health crisis – even while simultaneously mismanaging it, redefining the boundaries of government power, not to mention driving our state to financial ruin and rigging the election process. I have watched as Connecticut’s Democrat party leaders have used their lopsided numbers to alter our election policy in ways that are unforgivable, particularly for their brazen dishonesty – the elimination of numerous checks and balances, and the shocking and criminal act of mass mailing absentee ballot applications to the state’s entire incoherent and unkempt voter list with zero concern for accuracy, legitimacy, or prudence.
I am hopeful that over the coming months, the truth becomes more obvious and Connecticut residents begin to evaluate the real impact of COVID-19 and posit the reasons for the tremendous disconnect with the overwhelming and dangerous government response that continues to cripple our economy on top of risking our future health, safety, and prosperity.
While I wouldn’t argue that a prudent, but also much more limited, response to the virus is necessary, the lies told to our citizens by elected officials are contemptible, attacking the very core nature of what it means to be free American citizens, and altering the perceived role of government in our society in a way unimaginable to me prior to this year. I will use every opportunity to undo this damage.
It’s no secret that our long-term problems also remain.
We need a new policy direction immediately aimed at making Connecticut a more attractive and affordable place for everyone, citizens, businesses, college grads, retirees, and so on. We need to reduce the tax and regulatory burden dramatically so we can compete and attract those people and businesses to grow our economy.
Advocating for these changes will be all but impossible given the make-up of the legislature but I am committed to making the case. This coming session, I will work with my Democrat counterparts wherever possible, but I am also prepared to be a daunting obstacle when necessary.
I ran for office originally to be a bulwark against the trend of socialism. I am honored to have the continued support of my neighbors to be reelected and keep fighting for our American way of life. I will never stop defending our freedoms, our constitution, the rule of law, and will use my office to teach the value of freedom and opportunity.
State Senator Rob Sampson was re-elected to his second term and will continue serving the 16th District (Cheshire, Prospect, Southington, Waterbury and Wolcott.)