Sen. Somers Named to COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group
October 10, 2020

The group will be responsible for advising the governor on preparations for a COVID-19 vaccine, including the optimization of a statewide vaccine distribution strategy, and communicating critical medical information about the vaccine with the state’s residents.

“It is an honor to be appointed to this diverse panel – we have a lot of work ahead of us and we have key decisions to make,” said Somers. “We must make safety, transparency, clarity and equity our priorities. I am looking forward to serving.”
The group’s first meeting will be held in mid-October. It will put special focus on addressing existing health disparities and prioritizing vulnerable communities. Meetings will be open to the public.

Somers represents the 18th Senate District which includes Griswold, Groton, North Stonington, Plainfield, Preston, Sterling, Stonington and Voluntown.