Kelly Named Legislative Champion for Breast Cancer Screening Advocacy
October 19, 2020

Sen. Kelly photographed with Christine Crawford, Rose Goldspink and Marge Keene from The Valley Goes Pink at the 2019 Shelton Senior Center Health and Wellness Fair. The organization shared information about breast cancer early detection and awareness at the fair.
Senator Kevin Kelly Named a “Legislative Champion” by the Radiological Society of Connecticut, Recognizing his Advocacy for Preventative Breast Cancer Screenings
HARTFORD – The Radiological Society of Connecticut has named State Senator Kevin Kelly (R-21) a “2020 Legislative Champion” in recognition of his strong support and advocacy for preventive breast cancer screenings and patient protections.
In recognizing Sen. Kelly, the Radiological Society of Connecticut emphasized that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month throughout the nation.
“Senator Kevin Kelly has been a strong and tenacious advocate for programs that provide help to women who need assistance with their annual mammograms. We appreciate his work on this issue and believe that lives will be saved as more women have this important imaging test,” said Michael Crain, MD, president of the society.
“I am honored to receive this recognition and am very proud of our state for taking important steps to increase access and affordability of preventative health care measures,” said Sen. Kelly. “Improving health care for all Connecticut residents, especially women and seniors, has been a top priority of mine and I believe needs more attention from our state. I look forward to continuing to advocate for patient-focused reforms and increasing preventative care. I encourage everyone to learn more about breast cancer this month and what screenings are available to you. Regular breast cancer screen and early detection are key to fighting this cancer.”
Recent advances in Connecticut include requiring insurance coverage for additional tests for women who are at a higher risk for breast cancer due to their age or due to having dense breast tissue.