Fasano, Candelora Statement on Hartford Police Retention Issues, Shocking Day of Violence
October 23, 2020

Senate Republican Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) and Deputy House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora (R-North Branford) released the following statement in response to a Hartford Courant report on the increasing rate of Hartford police officers leaving their careers early, as well as in response to Thursday’s increased violence in the capital city including four shootings:
“Yesterday, five people were injured in four shootings that took place in Hartford, including one in broad daylight. At the same time the Hartford Courant reported on a recent climate study that found young police officers are leaving Hartford in large numbers. The Hartford Police Union says this is in part driven by the anti-police bill rushed through the legislature by Democrats. All of this and Governor Lamont has still not even commented on requests to suspend the new laws that are tying the hands of police officers, making it impossible to proactively police, and worsening recruitment and retention.
“We again ask Gov. Lamont to suspend the police bill passed this summer to allow for lawmakers to revisit the legislation next year. When Democrats passed the bill, many promised they would make changes to it. Those promises have not been fulfilled and now the bill has already taken effect and is taking a toll on places like our capital city. Rushing legislation under Democrat one-party rule has led to unintended consequences that are making our communities less safe for all people.”