(Watch): “I think we need to have checks and balances.”
September 4, 2020

Please watch and share my remarks from this morning about the extension of Gov. Lamont’s Emergency Powers here:
While I commend much of the governor‘s response to the pandemic and the necessary steps that have been taken to bring down new infections and hospitalizations, I believe our next phase of response and reopening must feature greater collaboration with legislators and local leaders.
As we continue to safeguard the health of our communities, while moving as swiftly as possible to safely restore everyday lives and livelihoods, we must have leaders at the table who understand the situation on the ground in different regions of the state — who can bring critical perspectives to help shape the strongest possible policy.
What is right for Danbury or Stamford may not be what is right for Groton or Plainfield, and our communities would benefit from bipartisan collaboration and a regional approach going forward.
Emergency powers can always be reinstated if the situation requires, but at this moment a one-size, top-down statewide approach will not necessarily best serve our small businesses, families, health care workers and communities.
I look forward to continuing to work with the governor, medical experts and community leaders to keep our communities healthy and get Connecticut swiftly and safely back to work.