Sen. Kissel Strongly Opposes Extension of Gov. Lamont’s Emergency Powers

September 2, 2020

Sen. Kissel Strongly Opposes Extension of Gov. Lamont’s Emergency Powers - CT Senate Republic

For Immediate Release
Sep. 3, 2020

Sen. Kissel Strongly Opposes Extension of Gov. Lamont’s Emergency Powers

Sen. John A. Kissel today issued the following statement regarding the governor’s signing of a declaration that extends to Feb. 9 the six-month state of emergency he declared on March 10.

“The people of north-central Connecticut are very perceptive. They can clearly see what is going on. They see one-person rule. They see how unfettered power is currently too concentrated in the Executive Branch. They see a lack of collaboration and communication between the governor and lawmakers. They see a governor who rules by fiat with no checks and balances in their state government. They don’t like what they see, they want change, and I wholeheartedly agree with them.

“Every day, area residents and business owners contact my office wanting to know when their voices can be directly heard. I want to go back to work for the people of north central Connecticut who have put their faith and confidence in me as their state Senator. I strongly oppose the extension of the governor’s emergency powers.

“The legislature needs to debate and have public input on issues of concern. The legislature should be working in concert with the executive branch. Public health and safety must continue to be our highest priorities, but this one-person rule must end. Power must be given back to the people. We need to return to representative government.

“I join with fellow Republicans in telling the governor, ‘Enough is enough’.

“The people elected us to be their voice, and we will continue to push back against the governor until we – and they – are heard.

“Taxpayers should be shouting from the rooftops about why the governor’s extraordinary powers must end.

“Call the governor at 860 566-4840. Email him at [email protected]. The time is now to raise our collective voices.”