Fasano Statement on Special Session Agenda
September 25, 2020

Senate Republican Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) released the following statement in response to the special session agenda announced by Governor Ned Lamont today:
“The special session agenda is a disappointing display of one-party rule and partisan politics. I reviewed the call for special session that was just released this afternoon. Some things I expected to see, some I am surprised are on the agenda. Based upon this agenda, there is no need for a special session right now when nearly all of these bills could wait for the regular session to allow for more thought and public input. There is nothing on the agenda dealing with the pandemic, public health or the immediate needs in the middle of the crisis. I am honestly surprised that Democrats want to bring so many people to the building to vote on bills that are not fully vetted by the public and that can wait for the regular session – at the same time they have objected to much smaller meetings and legislative business taking place in the same building. Putting these items before the legislature with less than 40 days until an election seems to conflict with their past statements.”