Speak Out on Eversource Rate Hikes & Storm Response

August 17, 2020

Speak Out on Eversource Rate Hikes & Storm Response - CT Senate Republic

After spiking its electricity rates last month, Eversource failed to adequately prepare and execute recovery operations for Tropical Storm Isaias.

Now, the company has indicated to investors that it expects to recover the bulk of storm-related expenses without cutting into profits in any significant amount–it is unclear how much these costs could fall on ratepayers. Eversource also says it won’t reimburse Connecticut ratepayers for the spoiled food and prescriptions that they had to throw out.

You can speak out about both Eversource’s recent rate increases AND Eversource and UI’s storm response by emailing comments to:

[email protected]

FOR RATE INCREASES: include “Docket Number 20-01-01” in the subject line.
There is also a public hearing on this matter, details below.

FOR STORM RESPONSE: include “Docket Number 20-08-03” in the subject line.



How to Participate in the Hearing

The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority’s hearing will take place on Monday, August 24, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., via remote access.  Access instructions are set forth below.  The Authority may continue the hearing on additional dates, as deemed necessary.

Remote attendee access: Docket Participants and interested stakeholders must register through the web link below to listen in to, or to participate in the meeting:

Meeting ID#  927 7463 1605

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The meeting will be recorded.