Public Hearing on Eversource Rate Increases
August 12, 2020

Many of you are justifiably outraged over a huge spike in your electric bills and Eversource’s storm response.
I share your concerns.
I want to take a moment to again thank all those who recently spoke out about your recent Eversource bills. Your voices moved state regulators at PURA (Public Utilities Regulatory Authority) to both suspend the rate increases and launch an investigation into the appropriateness of the prices.
However, the fight is not over. The rate suspension is only temporary pending the results of the investigation, which includes a PUBLIC HEARING taking place on Monday, August 24, 2020 at 10:00 am on Zoom.
It is important to speak out and submit testimony.
Remember, PURA approved the initial rate increase that they are now revisiting. We need to hold Eversource AND PURA both accountable to ratepayers.
Eversource’s second-quarter profits totaled $252 million, up significantly from the same quarter a year ago. Yet despite these increases the company is still pursuing rate hikes and had major failures in their storm response.
We need all your voices heard at the upcoming public hearing.
How to Submit Testimony
Letters will be accepted from members of the general public who have an interest in the outcome of this proceeding through the last day of the hearing.
Email comments:
- Email brief comments to [email protected]
- Include Docket Number 20-01-01 in the subject line.
Or, mail comments:
- Submit written comments to PURA’s mailing address:
Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
10 Franklin Square
New Britain, CT 06051 - Make sure to include Docket Number 20-01-01 in your letter
How to Participate in the Hearing
The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority’s hearing will take place on Monday, August 24, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., via remote access. Access instructions are set forth below. The Authority may continue the hearing on additional dates, as deemed necessary.
Remote attendee access: Docket Participants and interested stakeholders must register through the web link below to listen in to, or to participate in the meeting:
Meeting ID# 927 7463 1605
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The meeting will be recorded.