Today is International Overdose Awareness Day.
People across our state are joining people around the globe to raise awareness of opioid overdose, reduce the stigma of a drug-related death, and acknowledge the grief felt by families and friends.
As we remember far too many who have died or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose, we also spread the message that overdose death is preventable.
If you or someone you know is struggling with opioids or other substances, you are not alone. There are ways to connect and get the support you need. Talk to a peer, call for treatment options, connect on social media, or search support groups in your community.
Below are resources where Connecticut residents and their loved ones can get help. Please share this information and spread the word.
Too many people struggle with addiction, often in silence and isolation from others. Letting people know there is help available could be the first step to recovery.
Recovery is possible moment by moment and one day at a time. I know. If you need help or want to talk about recovery you are welcome to call me at 860-265-1869. If not call one of the numbers below.
For 24/7 substance use treatment call 1-800-563-4086 or visit is Connecticut’s premier resource on substance misuse and addiction including the full continuum of prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery. This site includes data on the scope of the opioid crisis, tips on safe prescription medication storage and disposal, information of statewide initiatives and campaigns, strategies for overdose prevention including access to the life-saving drug naloxone (Narcan®), and access to treatment and recovery supports.
For live chat help and resources visit
LiveLOUD provides information about OUD and helps connect individuals and their loved ones to resources and support. Opioid Use Disorder, or OUD, is the problematic, excessive use of opioid. It is an addiction that can develop after repeated opioid misuse or using opioids for reasons other than medical need, typically in dangerous amounts. OUD can affect people from all walks of life, who may use any of a wide range of drugs from different sources, including street drugs like heroin, illegally purchased opioids, and painkillers which may be used in hospital situations— like codeine or Oxycontin. Anyone can be at risk for developing OUD if they are using an opioid.
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