Shelton Community Food Drive Helps Spooner House

July 2, 2020

Shelton Community Food Drive Helps Spooner House - CT Senate Republic

Kelly, Perillo, McGorty Thank Echo Hose Ambulance and Community Members for Donations

Rep. Jason Perillo, Sen. Kevin Kelly, Spencer DeNisco (Asst. Case Manager at Spooner House), Asst. Chief Joe Laucella (Echo Hose Ambulance), Rep. Ben McGorty, Juliette Berry (EMT – standing), Alexei Ziemkiewicz (volunteer), and Adrienne Ziemkiewicz (EMS volunteer).

State Senator Kevin Kelly and State Representatives Jason Perillo and Ben McGorty are thanking community members for participating in a successful food drive that took place on Wednesday in support of the Spooner House of Shelton.

The lawmakers partnered with Echo Hose Ambulance to host the Food Drive on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at Elizabeth Shelton School. Those making food donations were able to drop off items directly from their cars and follow social distancing guidelines.

“Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to donate to support the Spooner House!” said Sen. Kelly. “Your generosity will help feed many people in need during this difficult time.”

“It’s inspiring to see so many people taking action to help others and support their neighbors,” said Rep. Perillo.

“We are so appreciative of Echo Hose going above and beyond to support this food drive. Spooner House does incredible work for our community and it was great to be able to give back and help them help others,” said Rep. McGorty.

If you would like to support Spooner House, in kind contributions of food, cleaning supplies, and paper goods can be dropped off at 30 Todd Road, Shelton, at any time. For your safety and protection, a bin has been placed in our foyer to limit contact and maintain distance. Simply ring the bell to the left of the front door, and you will be buzzed in to leave your donations. For a full list of needed items visit:

Financial contributions may be mailed to Spooner House or made online here: