Assistance for Renters, Homeowners and Residential Landlords Impacted by the COVID-19 Emergency

June 30, 2020

Assistance for Renters, Homeowners and Residential Landlords Impacted by the COVID-19 Emergency - CT Senate Republic

The following information is from the Governor’s Office:

Yesterday, the Governor announced measures to assist renters, homeowners, and residential landlords impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

These measures include:

  • $10 million rental assistance program for Connecticut residents impacted by COVID-19, administered through the Department of Housing, which will provide payments to landlords on behalf of approved tenant applicants, with a priority on lower-income households who have been denied unemployment insurance;
  • $5 million for eviction prevention to help renters who were in the process of eviction before the declaration of the COVID-19 public health emergency;
  • $10 million to provide mortgage relief to homeowners who have suffered impacts from COVID-19 and whose mortgages are not federally insured, administered by the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA);
  • $4 million in rapid rehousing funds to help people pay costs like security deposits and initial rent to exit homelessness to housing, administered by the Department of Housing;
  • $2.5 million rental assistance program for those who are ineligible for emergency assistance through the federal CARES Act, including those who are undocumented, administered by the Department of Housing;
  • $1.8 million in funding for reentry and rehousing assistance for people exiting incarceration, administered by the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness;
  • Extending the residential eviction moratorium to August 25, bringing Connecticut’s measures in line with federal measures (the CARES Act prevents evictions from most properties until late summer); and
  • Extending the opportunity to apply a portion of any security deposit worth more than one month’s rent toward rental payments. All housing assistance programs administered through the state and through CHFA will include housing counseling to help renters and homeowners problem solve and develop plans to pay housing costs going forward.

All housing assistance programs administered through the state and through CHFA will include housing counseling to help renters and homeowners problem solve and develop plans to pay housing costs going forward.

In addition to this assistance through the state, large Connecticut cities received $10 million under the CARES Act Emergency Solution Grants program to prevent homelessness and support homeless populations. The Connecticut Department of Housing is encouraging those municipalities to allocate some of that funding to provide rent arrearage assistance for low and very low-income families that are struggling to make ends meet.


For more information on the resources above, please see the following websites:

  • Connecticut Department of Housing:
  • Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA):
  • Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness (CCEH):