Sen. Sampson Questions Gov. Lamont’s Latest Public/Private Partnership

June 10, 2020

Sen. Sampson Questions Gov. Lamont’s Latest Public/Private Partnership - CT Senate Republic

I sent a letter to Governor Lamont on Monday, June 8. I believe this is yet another example of his overreach of executive authority – basically taking advantage of the extraordinary power he has been granted as a result of COVID-19. 

I fear this type of action will continue since majority Democrats in both chambers seem unwilling to be a check against the Governor’s power.

The letter text is below.

State Senator Rob Sampson and State Senator George Logan on opening day Jan. 9th 2019

June 8th, 2020

Office of Governor Ned Lamont
State Capitol
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106

Dear Governor Lamont,

I am concerned about your proposal to use taxpayer dollars to establish yet another Private-Public Partnership (with little transparency and by Executive Order and no legislative action) for the purpose of providing relief to undocumented “working” families as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While I share your concern for everyone’s health and safety, including those in the country unlawfully, I must speak up to remind you that this is beyond the scope of your executive authority and urge you to stop. Similar programs in other states such as Maryland have been struck down by their federal courts recently for being in violation of federal law (See from June 5, 2020).  If you truly want to help, please encourage private donations to add to the proposed $1M you already have a commitment for. That is a far better solution to provide relief and aid to those in need.

If you insist on going forward, I hope that you will provide answers to the following question I have on behalf of my constituents.

1) The CT Housing Department has said this program will help “working” undocumented residents. How is that possible when undocumented persons cannot lawfully work in CT?

2) Is there a list of these individuals? Can I have it?

3) How will they be verified for eligibility?

4) Is there a means test or other requirements for eligibility? What are they?

5) How will those requirements be verified?

6) How will fraud be prevented?

7) How is this program to be implemented lawfully without legislative action?

8) Why is this a priority when we have American citizens waiting in food lines at Rentschler Field each day?

Thank you for your consideration.