Senator Sampson’s Reaction to Executive Order PP (changes to May 20 reopening)

May 19, 2020

Senator Sampson’s Reaction to Executive Order PP (changes to May 20 reopening) - CT Senate Republic

Lamont changes his plan based on politics, not science.

“It doesn’t matter how you feel about the virus or whether or not you think the state should begin the process of reopening, this is no way to run a state government.

“You don’t tell people they have to close, then tell them that they can open on May 20th after they have been struggling to survive, and then on May 18th, less than two days before, announce, ‘Wait, just kidding. I received too many emails so I am changing my mind.’

“Likewise, you don’t push for the opening of summer/day camps in April and urge these organizers and caretakers to prepare to provide services as normal, then rescind that promise and plan and push start dates out another month ONLY for those who have not already opened.

“There is a reason why we have constitutional protections and limited government in America. It is to protect the freedom of individuals to assess their own risks and make their own choices. Governor Lamont, are you going to go help each of these salon owners call and reschedule their clients all over again? Are you going to repay them for their lost income? Or the expenses they had to incur to ready their facilities to meet the new health requirements with no revenue stream?

“Even if you are among the people that think the state should remain closed, you must see that it is wrong for the Governor to have made this flip-flop with less than 2 days to go. People’s lives are being affected by his indecision.

“Where’s the science in this decision anyway? Did he have medical experts telling him it was safe when he decided on May 20th? Did they change their mind? Does he have new experts? This is just more proof that the decisions being made are being done based on politics, not our public health or safety.”


Senator Rob Sampson serves CT’s 16th district which includes the towns of Cheshire, Prospect, Southington, Waterbury and Wolcott.