Sen. Sampson calls on AG Barr to examine recent policies
May 4, 2020
Last Friday, I drafted the attached letter to Attorney General Barr to raise awareness and concern over several actions taken by Governor Lamont in recent days in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I then shared it among the entire membership of the CT General Assembly – 36 total Senators and 151 Representatives. Today, this letter is on its way to Washington with twelve total signatures. I am thankful for my eleven courageous colleagues who share my concerns about protecting our rights as Americans and our way of life.
No matter what your opinion might be about the severity of COVID-19 or the timing for businesses to reopen, we should all be conscious of the actions of our elected officials and whether they are acting lawfully and within their constitutional authority. This action is not about politics. It is about our love for this great country and the oath of office each of us has taken. Similar actions taken by Republican governors across the country should be similarly scrutinized.
Below is the letter to AG Barr.