COVID-19 Update: March 30- April 5
April 6, 2020

Here is a summary of the counts through April 5, 2020.
County | Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases | Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations | Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19-Associated Deaths |
Fairfield | 3,050 | 531 | 96 |
Hartford | 751 | 189 | 29 |
Litchfield | 197 | 15 | 6 |
Middlesex | 110 | 19 | 5 |
New Haven | 1,162 | 372 | 36 |
New London | 57 | 10 | 4 |
Tolland | 94 | 3 | 11 |
Windham | 32 | 3 | 1 |
Pending validation | 222 | 0 | 1 |
Total | 5,675 | 1,142 | 189 |
The governor has signed 5 additional executive orders this week.
Executive Order 7Q:
- Requires all childcare facilities to limit group sizes to no more than 10 children in one space.
- Requires all children and childcare staff to be checked at the entrance of childcare facilities for any observable illness, including cough or respiratory distress, and to confirm temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Eliminates all existing legal requirements to have a signature on any document witnessed by a third party, except in the case of a last will and testament.
- Requires school districts to continue to employ, or restore to employment if already laid off, and pay school staff who are directly employed by the local or regional boards of education.
- Gives the commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection the authorization to ban visitors from entering state parks and other lands under the agency’s control after the property has reached a capacity adequate to supporting implementation of social distancing policies to limit the spread of COVID-19.
- Authorizes package stores and grocery stores to permit the sale of curbside pickup of all alcoholic beverages allowed by their permit type in any space adjacent to their permit premise and during the days and hours allowed for legal sale.
- Directs all retail establishments permitted to stay open, such as grocery stores, to follow new rules including an occupancy cap at 50 percent.
- The order went into effect on Friday, April 3. More details can be found at
- 60-day grace period for premium payments, policy cancellations, and non-renewals of insurance policies: Beginning on April 1, 2020 for a period of 60 days, no insurer in Connecticut – including life, health, auto property, casualty, and other types – may lapse or terminate a covered insurance policy because a policyholder does not pay a premium or interest during this time. This grace period is not automatic. To be eligible, affected policyholders must provide additional information acceptable to their insurance carriers.
- Relief from certain municipal tax deadlines and collection efforts: Requires municipalities to enact one or both of two options for providing temporary tax forbearance of property tax collection and reduced interest on delinquent tax payments to property owners under certain conditions, including that landlords agree extend commensurate forbearance to commercial, residential, or institutional tenants for the duration of the deferment.
- Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled circuit breaker tax relief program and for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled freeze tax relief program: Allows recipients of this benefit to receive the benefit for the coming year without recertifying their eligibility.
- Extension of deadline to file income and expense statement to August 15: Allows taxpayers additional time to complete their income and expense statements.
- Suspension of non-judicial tax sales: Suspends foreclosures through non-judicial tax sales until 30 days after the end of the COVID-19 emergency.
Residents should be aware of a spike in PHISHING AND SCAMS relative to COVID-19, the 2020 Census and the anticipated federal stimulus checks. See for best practices to prevent falling victim to a scam artist.
Remember, individuals who have general questions can call 2-1-1 for assistance or see the various recourse available at