Coronavirus Resources
April 3, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions
The governor’s office has made available frequently asked questions and answers here.
All Executive Orders Issued by Governor Lamont
April 30, 2021: Executive Order No. 11F |
April 20, 2021: Executive Order No. 11E |
April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11D |
April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11C |
April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11B |
April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11A |
April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11 |
April 6, 2021: Executive Order No. 10E |
March 18, 2021: Executive Order No. 10D |
March 14, 2021: Executive Order No. 10C |
March 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10B |
February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10 |
December 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 9T |
December 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 9S |
December 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 9R |
December 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 9Q |
December 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 9P |
December 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 9O |
November 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 9N |
November 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 9M |
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021) |
November 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 9K |
October 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 9J |
October 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 9I |
October 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 9H |
October 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 9G |
October 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9F |
September 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 9E |
September 25, 2020: Executive Order No. 9D |
September 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 9C |
September 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 9B |
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020) |
September 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 9 |
August 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OOO |
August 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NNN |
August 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7MMM |
July 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LLL |
July 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJJ |
July 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7III |
July 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7HHH |
July 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GGG |
July 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7FFF |
June 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EEE |
June 29, 2020: Executive Order No. DDD |
June 25, 2020: Executive Order No. CCC |
June 24, 2020: Executive Order No. BBB |
June 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AAA |
June 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7ZZ |
June 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7YY |
June 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7XX |
June 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 7WW |
June 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7VV |
June 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7UU |
May 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7TT |
May 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7SS |
May 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7RR |
May 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7QQ |
May 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7PP |
May 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OO |
May 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NN |
May 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7MM |
May 11, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LL |
May 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7KK |
May 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJ |
May 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7II |
May 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7HH |
April 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GG |
April 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7FF |
April 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EE |
April 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DD |
April 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC |
April 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7BB |
April 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AA |
April 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Z |
April 11, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Y |
April 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7X |
April 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 7W |
April 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7V |
April 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7U |
April 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7T |
April 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S |
March 31, 2020: Executive Order No. 7R |
March 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Q |
March 28, 2020: Executive Order No. 7P |
March 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7O |
March 26, 2020: Executive Order No. 7N |
March 25, 2020: Executive Order No. 7M |
March 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7L |
March 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7K |
March 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7J |
March 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7I |
March 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7H |
March 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G |
March 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7F |
March 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7E |
March 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7D |
March 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7C |
March 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7B |
March 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7A |
March 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7 |
March 10, 2020: Declaration of Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergencies |
Who is Affected by Each Order?
Vaccine/Vaccination Process
February 4, 2021 Executive Order No. 10 (state commuter lots may serve as testing/vaccination sites)
December 7, 2020 Executive Order No. 9Q (pharmacists may administer, vaccine must be made available at no cost)
Businesses & Workers
April 30, 2021 Executive Order No. 11F (allows outdoor alcohol service without requiring purchase of food)
April 19, 2021 Executive Order No. 11D (contracting flexibility with goods, services and real estate)
April 19, 2021 Executive Order No. 11B (consolidates all of the temporary flexibilities and changes to liquor sales and service)
April 19, 2021 Executive Order No. 11A (Extends business rules and enables DECD to make changes to business sector rules in the future)
March 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10B (opens fishing season early – March 4, 2021)
February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10 (liquor permit renewal extension, stimulus v. benefit calculations)
December 16, 2020 Executive Order No. 9R (alcoholic sales by caterers)
December 4, 2020 Executive Order No. 9P (expands eligibility for unemployment, enables remote examinations for subsurface sewage disposal system workers)
December 1, 2020 Executive Order No. 9O (sale of alcoholic liquor at virtual events by charitable organizations)
November 24, 2020 Executive Order No. 9N (increases violation fine from $500 to $10,000, prohibits all organized road races)
November 20, 2020 Executive Order No. 9M (liquor permit renewal extension, online continuing education for plumbers and electricians)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
October 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 9J (allows municipalities in “orange” and “red” alerts to revert to Phase 2)
November 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 9K (return to phase 2 and mandatory closing times)
October 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 9I (travel advisory changes)
October 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 9G (allows certain municipalities to revert to Phase 2)
October 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9F (gathering size restrictions related to Phase 3 Reopening)
September 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 9E (liquor permit extensions, insurance data security)
September 25, 2020: Executive Order No. 9D (sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food, contracting flexibility related to student privacy data)
September 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 9C (travel advisory fixes)
September 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 9B (travel advisory changes, liquor permittee credit period changes, fines on mask/gathering size violations)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
September 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 9 (Extends prohibition of alcohol sales without food)
August 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OOO (Extension of expanded outdoor dining, modification of the extension of 30-day period of credit for liquor permittees)
August 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NNN (Face coverings & DECD decides limits on private gatherings)
July 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJJ
July 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GGG (Online continuing education for plumbers and electricians)
June 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EEE (Online continuing education for plumbers and electricians)
June 24, 2020: Executive Order No. BBB (commercial pesticide certification, travel-related quarantine)
June 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7ZZ (phase 2 reopening, alcohol sales, essential businesses, offtrack betting)
June 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 7WW (caterers)
June 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7UU (Unemployment benefits determination of suitable work modification)
May 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7TT (barbershops and salons)
May 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7RR (private clubs)
May 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7PP (Reopening phase 1, restaurants, prohibition on large gatherings extended, resident camps, day camps, off-track betting, gyms, movie theaters)
May 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NN (Plastic-bag tax suspension extension, member meetings)
May 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7MM (outdoor dining and retail)
April 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GG (embalmers, state contracting/construction, contract extensions)
April 17, 2020: Executive Order 7BB (public face coverings)
April 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Z (security officers and businesses)
April 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7X (Extends all business closures to May 20, 2020, allows food trucks to operate at rest areas)
April 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 7W (No increased experience rating based on COVID-19 unemployment claims; coil cleaning requirements modified for bars, restaurants, breweries, and wineries, eliminate signature for delivery or curb-side pickup of alcoholic beverages; waives the requirement that businesses return their permits to the state if the business is closed for more than 60 days; 90 day provisional permit, renewal date for on-premise liquor permits to be extended, permit need not be recorded with town clerk)
April 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7V (Safe Workplace Rules for Essential Employers defined by the Department of Economic & Community Development)
April 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7T (Hotels, short-term rentals; restaurants, bars and private clubs clarifications; CT Recovery Bridge Loan Program applicants)
April 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S (Safe Stores Rules for retail including grocery stores; liquor permittees; Sportech)
March 31, 2020: Executive Order No. 7R (curbside pickup of alcoholic beverages permitted at grocery stores/package stores)
March 26, 2020: Executive Order No. 7N (eating establishments, retail, firearms & ammunition stores, grocery stores – plastic bags)
March 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7J (all non-essential businesses clarifications)
March 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7H (all non-essential businesses)
March 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G (barbershops, hair salons, nail salons, tattoo and piercing parlors, & modifications to restaurant/bar orders)
March 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7F (malls, amusement parks, zoos, arcades, bowling alleys)
March 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7D (restaurants, bars, casinos and gambling facilities, gyms, sporting events, entertainment, movie theaters)
March 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7 (gatherings over 250, recreation, sporting)
Guidelines on “Essential” Businesses: View DECD’s guidance on which businesses are essential and can remain open.
February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10 (tax break for elderly/disabled)
December 16, 2020 Executive Order No. 9R (suspends tax deadlines/collections, assessor certification)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
October 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 9J (allows municipalities in “orange” and “red” alerts to revert to Phase 2)
October 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 9H
October 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 9G (allows certain municipalities to revert to Phase 2)
September 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 9C
September 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 9B (allows municipalities to issue fines)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
June 25, 2020: Executive Order No. CCC
May 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7PP
May 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OO
May 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7MM
May 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJ
May 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7II
May 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7HH
April 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC
April 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Z
April 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 7W
April 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S
March 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7L
March 21, 2020:Executive Order No. 7I
March 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7C
March 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7B
February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10 (Paid leave to staff)
December 7, 2020 Executive Order No. 9Q (requires pharmacists to report flu vaccines administered to anyone under 18 years old)
December 1, 2020 Executive Order No. 9O (allows hiring of short-term substitute teachers without a bachelor’s degree, previously only allowed with waiver from SDE)
November 24, 2020 Executive Order No. 9N (prohibits all organized road races)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
November 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 9K (graduations)
October 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9F (graduations)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
September 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 9
July 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LLL
June 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AAA (Clarifies 7F)
June 5, 2020:Executive Order No. 7XX (Graduations)
May 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7RR (Birth to three programs)
May 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7PP (Summer school)
May 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7II
April 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7X
March 31, 2020: Executive Order No. 7R
March 26, 2020: Executive Order No. 7N
March 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7L
March 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7F
March 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7E
March 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7C
March 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7
Child Care
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
June 24, 2020: Executive Order No. BBB
June 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AAA
June 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7VV
May 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7PP
April 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7T
March 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Q
March 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7B
Nursing Homes & Other Facilities Serving Vulnerable Populations
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
July 6,2020: Executive Order No. 7FFF
June 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EEE
June 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AAA
June 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7XX
June 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7UU
May 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NN
April 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EE
April 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AA
April 11, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Y
April 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7V
April 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7U
April 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7T
March 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7L
March 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7K
March 21, 2020:Executive Order No. 7I
March 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7F
March 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7C
March 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7A
March 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7
April 9, 2021: Executive Order No. 10E (Enables same Absentee rules through May 20, 2021)
February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10 (Enables same Absentee rules through April 20, 2021)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
October 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 9J
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
August 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7MMM
June 24, 2020: Executive Order No. BBB
June 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 7WW
May 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7QQ
May 11, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LL
April 17, 2020: Executive Order 7BB
March 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G
Public Assistance Recipients
December 4, 2020 Executive Order No. 9P (expands eligibility for unemployment)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
May 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJ
May 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7II
April 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC
April 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S
March 26, 2020: Executive Order No. 7N
March 21, 2020:Executive Order No. 7I
March 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G
March 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7F
March 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7E
March 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7B
Health Care Workers & Providers
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
July 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7HHH
June 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EEE
May 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7SS
April 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GG
April 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DD
April 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC
April 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7V
April 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7U
March 28, 2020: Executive Order No. 7P
March 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7O
March 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7K
State Parks & Forests
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
May 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7RR
March 31, 2020: Executive Order No. 7R
Insurance Policy Holders & the Uninsured
December 7, 2020 Executive Order No. 9Q (vaccine must be made available at no cost)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
April 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC
April 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7U
April 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S
Telehealth Providers/Patients
March 14, 2021: Executive Order No. 10C (extends access to telehealth to April 20, 2021)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
June 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AAA
April 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7FF
April 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DD
March 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G
March 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7F
December 7, 2020 Executive Order No. 9Q (pharmacists may administer vaccine, pharmacists must report all flu vaccines administered to those under 18 years old)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
May 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7KK
March 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7I
March 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7B
State Police
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
June 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7YY
March 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7E
March 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7
DMV Services
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
July 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7III
June 25, 2020: Executive Order No. CCC
June 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7YY
March 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7E
March 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7C
March 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7
Children Under DCF Custody
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
July 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LLL
March 21, 2020:Executive Order No. 7I
Religious Organizations
March 18, 2021: Executive Order No. 10D (eliminated caps, still requires masks)
February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10 (relaxes 100 person cap)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
November 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 9K (gathering size)
October 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9F
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
June 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7XX
May 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7TT
March 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7D
Courts Including Probate Court
December 1, 2020 Executive Order No. 9O (resumes statutory requirements, deadlines for Supreme and Appellate Court operations)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
August 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OOO
July 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LLL
June 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7YY
April 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC
March 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7K
March 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G
Landlords, Renters and Homeowners
February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10 (elderly/disabled Homeowner municipal tax break)
December 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 9T (further delays evictions, enables portion of security deposit to be used for rent payment)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
October 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 9H
September 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 9E
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
August 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OOO
July 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GGG
June 29, 2020: Executive Order No. DDD
May 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NN
April 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7X
April 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S
March 18, 2021: Executive Order No. 10D (repeals travel advisory and self quarantine requirements)
December 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 9S (travel advisory changes)
November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L (extends all orders to Feb. 9, 2021)
October 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 9I (travel advisory changes)
September 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 9B
September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A (reissues/extends all orders to November 9, 2020)
July 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7III
June 24, 2020: Executive Order No. BBB
More Information For…
- Workers & Employers
- Schools
- Consumers
- Businesses
- Childcare Providers
- Children and Families
- Travelers
- Communities
- Pet Owners and Veterinarians
- State Employees
- Home Owners & Renters
- Health Care Access
- Internet Access
- Volunteer Health Professionals
Help for Small Businesses
Details on federal assistance contained in the CARES Act can be found here.
The SBA has released an 11 page business guide to help answer questions from businesses on how the federal CARES Act impacts available assistance.
For frequently asked questions view our web tool: The CARES Act passed, what do I do now?
Federal programs include:
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP): The law includes nearly $350 billion to create a Paycheck Protection Program that will provide small businesses, nonprofits, and other entities with zero-fee loans of up to $10 million based on average monthly payroll costs. Up to eight weeks of average payroll, mortgage interest, rent, and utility payments can be forgiven if the business retains its employees and their salary levels. Principal and interest payments can be deferred for up to a year, and all SBA borrower fees are waived. This temporary emergency assistance through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Department of Treasury can be used in coordination with other COVID-financing assistance established in the law or any other existing SBA loan program. Small businesses must contact their business lender at a bank to access the PPP program. The banks have been given power to make loans under the CARES act. View a list of SBA Connecticut participating lenders here (ONLY THE BANKS with “GP” Classification).
Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans: The law also includes $17 billion to further ease the burden on small businesses that use SBA loan products. Under the law, the SBA will cover all loan payments for existing SBA borrowers, including principal, interest, and fees, for six months. The loan amount is based on average total monthly payments for payroll for the 12-week period beginning February 15, 2019, or at the election of the eligible recipient, March 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2019.
Emergency Economic Injury Grants: The law includes $10 billion in funding for a provision to provide an advance of $10,000 to small businesses and nonprofits that apply for an SBA economic injury disaster loan (EIDL) within three days of applying for the loan. EIDLs are loans of up to $2 million that carry interest rates up to 3.75% for companies and up to 2.75% for nonprofits, as well as principal and interest deferment for up to 4 years. The loans may be used to pay for expenses that could have been met had the disaster not occurred, including payroll and other operating expenses.
The EIDL grant does not need to be repaid, even if the grantee is subsequently denied an EIDL, and may be used to provide paid sick leave to employees, maintaining payroll, meet increased production costs due to supply chain disruptions, or pay business obligations, including debts, rent and mortgage payments.
Go to the SBA website to apply for EIDL grants.
Refundable tax credits: IRS will be posting information soon on these credits on its website (, including information on how to obtain advance payment of these credits.
Payroll taxes: The law defers payroll through the end of 2020. Deferred taxes will not become due until end of 2021 and end of 2022, with 50% of the liability being paid at each date.
Employee retention tax credit: available for struggling businesses that are not eligible or choose not to participate in the new SBA Paycheck Protection Program.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved CT’s request asking the federal agency to issue a declaration that will enable Connecticut’s small business owners to receive economic injury disaster loans. Small businesses and nonprofit organizations in Connecticut that have been negatively impacted by the global COVID-19 outbreak are now eligible for disaster relief loans of up to $2 million from the SBA.
Small businesses can learn more about the program and apply for financial assistance at or call the SBA at 1-800-659-2955.
The SBA has released an 11 page business guide to help answer questions from businesses on how the federal CARE Act impacts available assistance.
Small businesses with questions about this SBA loan program or other assistance provided at the state-level can call 860-500-2333 to speak directly with a Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) representative.
To provide emergency cash flow relief to small businesses and nonprofits negatively impacted by the coronavirus, Connecticut established a program to offer qualifying organizations with 100 or fewer employees access to no-interest loans.
Under the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan program, a qualifying business or nonprofit organization can apply for a loan of up to $75,000 or three months of operating expenses (whichever is lesser).
This short-term emergency loan program was originally $25 million, but was increased to $50 million. It is managed by the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD). It will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. This program is currently closed to new applicants.
All details on this program can be found on DECD’s website.
If you have questions about your already submitted application contact DECD by emailing [email protected]. DECD’s Hotline at (860) 500-2333
The federal government is giving taxpayers a three-month reprieve to pay the income taxes they owe for 2019. Filers will get another 90 days to pay income taxes due on up to $1 million in tax owed. The reprieve on that amount will also cover pass-through entities and small businesses.
The CT Department of Revenue Services has extended filing deadlines for certain annual state business tax returns. More information here.
The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) is extending the filing and payment deadline for personal income tax returns 90 days, to July 15, 2020. The extension also applies to Connecticut estimated income tax payments for the first and second quarters of 2020. Connecticut taxpayers who are owed a refund may still file with DRS. More information here.
The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) is extending the filing and payment deadlines of certain returns until July 15, 2020. These extensions align Connecticut tax filing and payment dates with filing and payment extensions recently announced by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). More information here.
The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is launching the COVID-19 Business Emergency Response Unit, which will be dedicated to helping businesses in Connecticut navigate the resources available to them during this crisis. Small businesses seeking guidance can reach this unit by calling 860-500-2333.
In addition, DECD and Advance CT, a nonprofit organization that works to advance economic competitiveness in Connecticut, today began distributing a comprehensive survey to businesses to get information on what types of resources they need throughout the duration of this pandemic. This will help the state gather important information on the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses interested in participating in this survey can access it here.
The U.S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the U.S. Department of Labor (Labor) announced in IR-2020-57 that small and midsize employers can begin taking advantage of two new refundable payroll tax credits, designed to immediately and fully reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing Coronavirus-related leave to their employees. This relief to employees and small and midsize businesses is provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Act). For COVID-19 related reasons, employees receive up to 80 hours of paid sick leave.
Employers receive 100% reimbursement for paid leave pursuant to the Act. View more information here.
Assistance for Workers
The Department of Labor is also suspending the requirement that workers applying for new unemployment benefits directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic be actively searching for work.
The CT Department of Labor now has important information on unemployment benefits and frequently asked questions related to COVID-19 on their website at
More help available on filing for unemployment benefits here:
APRIL 2, 2020 UPDATE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: What you need to know if you are filing or have filed for unemployment.
On March 18, 2020, the President signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act which includes the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act. These two 2 Acts will become effective on April 2, 2020, and expire on December 31, 2020.
The Emergency Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) Expansion Act, which amends the federal FMLA law only, is applicable to employers with fewer than 500 employees. This Act requires covered employers to provide 12 weeks of job-protected leave to eligible employees. Leave may be taken when an employee is unable to work (or telework) due to various COVID-19 related circumstances. In addition, the federal Paid Sick Leave provision is new and distinct from the CT Paid Sick Leave law which remains unchanged. The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide paid sick leave, at the employee’s regular rate, in six specific circumstances related to the COVID-19 crisis. More information:
For the most up to date information on Connecticut’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and resources visit