Access Health CT Special Enrollment Period EXTENDED: Ends April 17, 2020

April 3, 2020

Access Health CT Special Enrollment Period EXTENDED: Ends April 17, 2020 - CT Senate Republic


Because of the public health threat posed by COVID-19, Access Health CT EXTENDED its Special Enrollment Period for those looking to become insured.

The following information is from Access Health CT:

Key points are:

Special Enrollment Period Extended to April 17, 2020

  • Uninsured individuals can sign up for health insurance coverage through Access Health CT during the NEW Special Enrollment Period ending April 17.
  • The only way to sign up for this NEW Special Enrollment Period is by calling 855-365-2428.
  • Individuals who experience a Qualifying Life Event (e.g. loss of coverage due to job change or unemployment) or qualify for Medicaid/Children’s Health Program (CHIP), can ALWAYS enroll online, in-person or over the phone and all help is free.


Who’s eligible?
Only qualified individuals who are uninsured, lawfully present and not incarcerated.

When can I enroll?
From March 19 through April 17, 2020

When will my coverage start?
The effective date of coverage for enrollments from 4/3 – 4/17 is May 1, 2020.

How can I enroll?
PHONE ONLY: 1-855-365-2428
(TTY: 1-855-789-2428)
8 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday

Other information about this New Special Enrollment Period is available at:

Access Health CT reminds residents of the importance of maintaining their coverage throughout the year, and not just during this public health crisis. It is critical that uninsured individuals take advantage of this opportunity to protect themselves financially and ensure they have access to necessary services.